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Brixton Therapy Centre

Is pregnancy a pain in the neck? And the back, and the legs…

Pregnancy can be a joy.  But also the trigger for a range of aches, pains and other complaints.  And Osteopathy can be helpful in easing some of these issues.

A symptom-free pregnancy is a rare and wonderful thing. But when you consider the many powerful changes that occur in the body throughout the pregnancy, as well as during and after the birth, it’s hardly surprising that it complains from time to time!

Few of us get off scot free with many suffering from at least one of the more common complaints such as swollen legs, stiff neck, a sacroiliac joint that complains every time we turn over in bed or morning sickness that morphs later in the pregnancy into misery-inducing indigestion. Spare a thought for the Duchess of Cambridge whose severe morning sickness hospitalised her while she carried Prince George.

If you’re currently pregnant, you’re in good company. The Duchess’ sister, Pippa Middleton announced her pregnancy in the spring, while actress Rachel Weisz is expecting a baby at the sprightly age of 48 with 007 husband Daniel Craig.

Celebrity or not, you don’t have to suffer your pregnancy aches and pains in silence. A woman’s body changes in many ways during pregnancy including the softening of ligaments, weight increase and changes to posture. And these can lead to additional pressure on joints in various parts of the body, including the spine or pelvis.  But the good news is that osteopathy is a safe and ultra-gentle way to help manage these issues – both during pregnancy and after birth.

That’s mum sorted, so what about baby? Well the good news is that undergraduate training for osteopaths includes paediatrics, so they are qualified to work with babies and children. Babies’ skeletons are softer than an adult’s and osteopaths will therefore use gentler techniques such as cranial osteopathy when treating them. And this gentle manipulation could help soothe and relax your baby.

At Brixton Therapy Centre we have a team of eight wonderful Osteopaths (in addition to Physios and other therapists) and you can find out more about them here.

So, if you’re pregnant or have recently given birth and would like to discuss any of the issues raised here, please get in touch.

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