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Brixton Therapy Centre

Coronavirus Precautions

I'm writing to let you what is happening in our clinic in response to the current situation. We already have a high standard of cleanliness, as would be expected for a clinic, but we are now taking additional precautions. I've laid out below what we already do and what we are doing extra.

Have thorough daily clean that includes all touchable surfaces such as door handles, bannisters and computer equipmentall linen is washed at 90 degrees (we know it's not environmentally friendly but we need to remove oil as well as kill germs)

Apply clean couch paper for all treatment couches with each new client

Therapists of course wash their hands between clients as well as using anti bac gel when needed

What we already do

Asking all clients to wash their hands when entering the clinic. This is one of the best ways for preventing transmission so please cooperate with this policy.providing anti bac gel in reception but best practice is to wash your hands plus we are unable to get any replacementasking for 'no touching' greetings; please, no hugging, kissing or shaking handsthroughout the day admin will be wiping down touchable surfaces with disinfectantif you are sick please don't come into the clinic.

Follow government guidelines here

What we are doing extra

We have to remember that while 60% of us are likely to get this infection, most of us will just get sick, recover and get on with our lives. We are doing this to protect our elderly and immune compromised clients.Let's keep this in proportion and try not to panic!We do however have some tips that you may like to use to help yourselves...

How we can help you to improve your immunity

New Ear Acupuncture Clinic. Only £20

This lovely picture of my ear is showing where Lola put needles in to stimulate my immune response and improve lung function. They 'ping' a little when they go in but don't really hurt.

We will initially be running this clinic Monday's and Tuesday's 1-3pm and only charging £20. You will need to allow 30 minutes and will most likely be seated in reception. Please phone first as we need to manage just a couple of people at a time. Call 02077339944 📷

If you would like to enquire about Homeopathy then we can put you in touch with Ruth Tindall, who is a classically trained homeopath.

How you can help yourself improve your immunity

Eat a high vegetable anti-inflammatory diet; lots of garlic, ginger and turmeric, low in red meat and refined carbohydrates

Take a quarter teaspoon of turmeric daily. I mix mine into a little coconut milk

Buy a good quality raw Manuka honey (high anti-microbial properties), chop a red onion and steep in two tablespoons of honey overnight. Take a spoonful of the liquor daily.

NO SUGAR There has been some research to show that eating a tablespoon of sugar can decrease white blood cell production for up to four hours after eating. I'm sorry I can't find the link to this research but it's good to limit sugar intake for lots of reasons.

Look after your microbiome (friendly bacteria) in your gut. I grow water kefir at home and have surplus grains to give away. Just ask!

Make sure you get enough sleep weather permitting go for long walks in the fresh air

Don't panic! Try meditating or mindfulness to calm any anxiety

I hope you found this newsletter useful. Please get in touch if you have any questions or would like more information. I will be posting on social media regularly with recipes and ideas to help support your immune system.We need to look after ourselves and each other.

Warm wishes,


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